One of the significant signs of the times is the returning of the Jewish people back to the promised land; Israel. In Ezekiel 37 we read about the dead bones coming back to life. This is happening in front of our eyes. After 6 million Jews where murdered in the holocaust alone, God came through and since 1948 Israel became its own nation again. Jewish people are coming home ever since. They are living and thriving in the land God promised them.
But there is a second part of this promise, which is; the Jewish people crying out for the RETURN of their Messiah!
There are about 9 million citizens in Israël today. Out of the 9 million citizens there are 20+thousand messianic believers in the land. This is less then half of a percent.
The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. (Matthew 9:37-38) To see the complete restoration of Israel, we need local Jewish people to be introduced to their Messiah, equipped, raised up and to become spirit filled disciples.
We believe that the Lord will raise up an army in the land of Israel of local believers, that will run with the maranatha cry to welcome their King!
God has called us specifically to content for this promise and to work the fields of harvest, until He returns!
At Until He Returns Ministries we want to lock arms and labour with the local believers in the Land.
We long to train a generation in worship, prayer and evangelism to see the complete restoration of Israel coming to it’s fulfillment. We will do this by:
1. Creating social media content: From various places in the land we will create short but powerful video messages to build up and encourage the body of Christ.
2. Serve local believers with worship, education and discipleship (Jewish and Arab Christian Congregations, youth groups, IDF soldiers.)
3. Serving international(non-Jewish) congregations by teaching about God's heart for Israel so that we may see their hearts moved for their Jewish brother like Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1:16).
4. Equip and encourage local leaders in their calling and ministry